Exercise videos showing how to perform a Squat.


The individual starts in a standing position with feet shoulder width apart. The legs are bent at the nees and hips, and the torso is lowered between the legs. The knees should remain behind the toes at all times. The body is then raised to the starting position.

The Invisible Chair variant is performed with the back against the wall, knees bent at 90 degrees, and the body is held in this position for as long as possible.

The Wall Squat variant is performed with the back against the wall and the feet one step forward from the wall. The back slides down the wall as the knees are bent to a 90-degree angle.

The Sumo Squat variant is performed with a wide stance, and the body is lowered until the thighs are parallel to the ground.

The One-Legged Squat is performed with one leg held out straight in front of the body while the other leg bears the full weight of the individual during the squat.

The Pistol Squat variant builds on the One-Legged Squat and brings the buttocks all the way down to the heel of the foot on the ground.

The Sissy Squat variant uses a pole or other support to hold with one hand, while the body leans backward through the squat until the buttocks are resting on the heels.



  • Legs/Glutes


  • Legs


  • Invisible Chair
  • Wall Squat
  • Sumo Squat
  • One-Legged Squat
  • Sissy Squat
  • Pistol Squat