Exercise videos showing how to perform a Side Lunge.
The individual starts with the feet positioned slightly apart and takes a wide step to the side with the left foot, toes pointing slightly outward. As the left foot contacts the ground, the individual shifts their weight to the left so the majority of the individual's bodyweight is supported by the left leg. The individual lowers the hips and slides the hips back until the left thigh is parallel with the ground. The back and the head are kept straight throughout the movement. The individual hods the position for a moment, then raises the body by pushing up with the left leg and moves the feet together again. The exercise is then repeated on the right side.
The difficulty may be increased by performing the Wide Side Lunge variant; the individual starts with the feet in a wide stance instead of together. The individual keeps the feet in the wide stance throughout the exercise and omits the intermediate step of moving the feet together between repetitions.