Exercise videos showing how to perform a Seated Dip.

Seated Dip

The individual begins with their feet on the floor, legs out straight, and hands placed on a supporting level surface between knee and waist height. Starting with straight arms with the shoulders above the hands, the body is lowered until the arms are bent at a 90 degrees angle. The body is then raised to the starting position.

The difficulty may be decreased by moving the feet closer to the body. The difficulty may be increased by raising the feet onto a stable surface. The Hanging Dip or Parallel Dip variation requires an apparatus such as a dip bar or two parallel bars (or substitutes such as tree branches or two tables) and the legs are fully raised off the ground, with the individual's bodyweight supported by the arms alone.



  • Push


  • Triceps
  • Chest


  • Hanging Dip
  • Parallel Dip