Exercise videos showing how to perform a Lunge.


The individual stands on flat surface, steps forward with one leg and bends down until the front knee is bent at a 90-degree angle. The back knee bends to almost touch the ground. The front knee should not extend past the front toes in order to maintain good form. The individual then returns to the starting position by pushing back with the front leg and stepping back so both feet are together.

The Back Lunges variation is performed from the same position, but instead the individual steps back with the leg until the front knee is bent at a 90-degree angle and the back knee is almost touching the ground. The Iron Mikes variation starts out in the bottom position of the lunge, whereby the individual performs a plyometric jump and switches leg positions so the landing position is opposite to the starting position. The Walking Lunges variation does not return the front leg to the starting position, but instead the individual steps forward with the back leg to place the feet together.



  • Push


  • Thigh
  • Buttocks
  • Hamstrings


  • Back Lunge
  • Iron Mike
  • Walking Lunge