Exercise videos showing how to perform a Hyperextension.


The individual starts in a prone position on the ground with the arms straight out in front of the body. The arms, legs and upper chest are lifted off the ground, and then slowly lowered back to the ground. This exercise is also known as "Supermans".

The Thumbs-Up variant starts in the same position, but the individual forms two fists with the thumbs pointed straight up, then lifts the head, shoulders and chest off the ground as high as possible.

The Swimmers variation raises and lowers the opposite leg and arm and alternates sides.

The Pillow Humpers variant places a towel under the hips and the feet under a stationary object like a low bed or couch. The hands are placed behind the head and the torso is raised off the ground as far as possible.



  • Core


  • Lower Back
  • Erector Spinae


  • Thumbs Up
  • Swimmer
  • Superman
  • Pillow Humper